Thursday, October 6, 2011

Grateful for Rainy Mornings

We were in a slow spot at work so we had to make some cuts and I had to go into the office...which means I have less time to "play" with my blogs.  This morning, I decided to take the time to enjoy breakfast at a local coffee dawned on me that I haven't stopped to look at God's blessings in my life.  Here is a recap...

1. Blessed with friends.  I can run out to the "ranch" with T.K. and the kids and it is as if time has stood still.  We can start from any point.  It doesn't matter that she has been on the road and I've been working...we are still friends ~ even when distance and time separate us.

2.  Blessed with health. 

3.  Blessed with quiet rainy days.

4.  Blessed with stability.  I recently went to a nearby homeless shelter/food bank and realized just how good I have it.

5.  Blessed with family.

6.  Blessed with work ~ especially when we are in a time where so many are struggling to find jobs.

7.  Blessed with the ability to help others.